
K Sera Sera

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  • K Sera Sera4
  • K Sera Sera
Please note that physical tickets will not be issued for this film presentation; all guest names will be added to an official list. We kindly ask that guests bring a print copy of their Paypal transaction to present upon arrival at the event. Tickets are non-refundable.

K Sera Sera 9pm

Session 23 - Sunday April 16, 9:00pm -11:30pm
Broadway Pictures Ent. Studio (BPE)
9A Hamilton Place Boston MA 02108

K SERA SERA revolves around a concept of “Do we live life …. Or does life live us…”. The film is about two individuals. One who believes in changing the circumstances with precise and definite decisions and the other who believes in drifting with the situations around and let the circumstances decide the course of life.

SARAH is a working woman. Always driven by her dreams and ambitions, she has created a position for herself. Her success in life so far has made her believe that her decisions cannot go wrong and she can get whatever she wants. A time comes where Sarah starts feeling the urge for motherhood. She conceives. She thinks that, as usual her decisions will put things in place. But things begin to change when she is told about her baby’s medical condition. She takes a decision to go ahead with the pregnancy.

BHAI GAONKAR retires as a lower middleclass clerk. BHAI’S retirement has made situation difficult for the family. There is no pension to sustain. No investments. The little saving he has is not sufficient for his son’s education and daughter’s marriage. In his entire life the circumstances have played a major role, leaving him no choice of his own. His old mother takes ill and requires immediate surgery.

BHAI takes a decision. But destiny has something else in store.

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